A Green Remedy for Stress
9 ways to work wonders on your stress levels
How reconnecting with nature can heal the stresses of modern life and rejuvenate your every day
By Sarah Ivens
When I’m tired, wrought, or worried about something (real or imagined), I turn to Mother Nature. Embracing the great outdoors, whatever the weather, unfailingly brings a sense of awe and gratitude, and coats me warmly with a sense of calm – even on a dull February morning when I have a thousand niggles flying around my brain and a long to-do list waiting for me in my office. I’m not alone. A recent study of 20,000 published in Scientific Reports concluded that spending just two hours per week in nature, in short stints or in one epic engagement, is enough to boost mental health and wellbeing. Spending time amongst the trees does everything from reduce blood pressure, depression, and anxiety, to improving sleep, creativity and energy. Writing yourself a green prescription is the prettiest, easiest way to address the stresses of modern life. But how can you fit more forest into your already busy week?